The BALTAŞ GROUP is a family Corporation along with its’ affiliates in Import&Export, Construction, Aluminium, Building&Industry, Yarn&Yarn Dyeing and other subsidiaries.
The Construction Company has actively been operating since 1950 with its high industrial experience, principles, honestly and above all with its commitment to ethical values.
Our textile company started its activities in 1981 and carried out yarn domestic and foreign trade until 1997, and in 1998 it started yarn and yarn dye production in Tekirdağ Çorlu Velimeşe OSB. Our company, which has been producing with quality and reliability in the sector until 2020, has decided to quit production as of 2020 and continues its domestic and foreign market yarn trade since 1981.
Apart from its self-investments, Baltas has also aimed to create an added value for itself along with their other founding-partner firms in different sectors.